Welcome to Tricky Tailz
Positive-first training that is fun for dogs and their humans!
Our ServicesTrick Training
Trick training does way more than just teach your dog how to shake and roll over!
Trick TrainingCanine Enrichment
Dogs love to use their minds, muscles, and all their senses!
ConditioningOUR SERVICES
We specialize in training that really makes your dog think!
Whether we are trick training, working on fitness and conditioning, or just practical obedience, our methods encourage your pup to use their mind as much as their body. Our training style encourages attention and focus. We teach handlers what works best to motivate their dogs to learn new things.

Trick Training
When most people think of a dog doing tricks, they imagine their dog shaking hands, rolling over, and perhaps balancing a cookie on their nose. These simple tricks are fun to teach, but our dogs are capable of so much more. Trick Training is amazing for improving the communication and bond that develops between a dog and their handler.
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While we love dog sports, obedience is an extremely important part of responsible dog ownership. The bigger the dog, the less optional obedience is... but even small dogs need to behave! Tricky Tailz can help you get the results you need and more importantly, make sure you understand how to keep those results two months or two years later.
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Canine Conditioning
Tricks are fun but there is another aspect to canine health and happiness that most handlers never consider! Canine conditioning focuses on the physical fitness needed to keep your best friend active and engaged. We work on strength, endurance, coordination, and problem solving. It is also fun and mentally stimulating for your dog!
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Small Company, Premium Service

We are a small company that focuses on a premium personalized experience for our customers. We believe that the best teaching and the best learning occurs one-on-one. While we do offer small group classes upon request, our primary teaching style focuses on the types of personal interactions that enable us to tailor our curriculum to the individual strengths of you and your dog.
One-on-One Training
We love getting to know our clients and their dogs on a personal level. We assess the individual strengths of the dog (and the handler!) to provide a custom training experience that will meet and hopefully exceed your expectations.
Heavy-chested dog? No problem, we might skip sit pretty.
Older dog with mobility issues? No problem, we can focus on stationary activities.
Customizing the curriculum to fit your specific needs lets you get the most out of each session!
Attention and Focus
One of the best benefits you'll see from our training is increased attention and focus from your dog. Eyes and ears will be glued to you! Your dog will learn that when it is training time, they need to pay attention to your every word and movement so they can get that reward!
Whether you are working on agility, rally, tricks, obedience, or something else entirely... that laser focus during training makes EVERYTHING easier.
Motivation and Drives
Did you know that behaviorists have identified as many as 15 drives in dogs? Everything from prey drive and hunting drive to toy drive and food drive.
We'll help you identify which drives are highest in your dog, how to increase drives your dog is low on, and how to best motivate your dog when you want them to perform a task.

I really appreciated that you gave different levels to tricks (i.e. shake or high five or wave.) I liked the variety you had. I also liked that when my dog had difficulty with balancing a treat on her nose, you were prepared with an alternative trick for her to work on.

Loved the whole class – Especially showing us step by step how each trick is done. If you already knew the trick, you were taught another variation of the trick. Loved not sitting around waiting.

My dog loved dog tricks! I loved seeing him learn more each session.

Lots of fun tricks, simple steps to learn. Loved your enthusiasm, you were motivating!

It was fun and a lot easier than I thought it would be to teach him. It was great!

- Customer.Service@TrickyTailz.com
- Call Us (864) 715-2525
- 511 N. Ford Rd., Greer, SC 29651
Thanks for stopping by to learn more about Tricky Tailz and our amazing training programs. <br><br> We would love to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact us through the form below or find us on Facebook and Instagram using the links at the bottom of the page.